Data Consulting Services
Data Consulting revolves around multiple attributes about Data and how to get a meaningful and an actionable outcome as a result of the Data Consulting process.
With an experienced team of Data PHDs, Data Architects and Engineers, we at AI-PRIORI are a potent force in the Data arena ensuring we derive maximum value out of your Data ensuring success to your business.

Our Expertise in Data Consulting Services

Data Curve Optimization Review (DCOR) Service
Here we look at analysing data sets, data sources and run various assessments to propose a holistic Data Architecture proposition for ensuring maximum ROI. This is again recommended based on the cognisance of the existing data infrastructure in place and laying down a robust data foundation with a data based "Retrofitment" ideology.

Data Mining Principles (DMP) Service
Here by combining the essence of Statistics, AI and Machine Learning principles, we look to create a best of breed in terms of Data Automation, re-aligning algorithms, data structures and other critical data attributes to ensure a leaner, faster and a robust Data Mining engine gets created for quicker yet accurate data churns. DMP ensures we take into consideration aspects of Data Volumes, Data Privacy and Security, Data Model Over Fitment Issues, Cost of Scaling up and other critical data paradigms.

Big Data / Data Lake Strategy (DLS) Service
Laying a strong Data Lake foundation is imperative to a modern day data architecture and we at AI-Priori ensure that our team recommends optimal Data Lake oriented data strategy inculcating aspects of Machine Learning, Analytics, On-Prem to Cloud and vis-a-vis data exchange, Real Time Data ingestion attributes etc. Our recommended DLS ensures scalable Data Warehousing, Data Enrichment, Visibility & Transparency, Economy of Scale, Production Ready Environment, Expandability, & Cost Savings

Data Integration Service (DIS)
With more and more devices connecting to the internet, the complexities of data is increasing by the hour. Depending upon the type of data, its point of source, hardware based interoperability or interoperability with legacy or varied backends, we at AI-Priori understand the challenges of Data Integration. Our team ensures that Data Extraction processes from all data source points are seamless, we achieve highest data quality, we ensure data integration at the deepest levels, and ensure that the system is adept at highest planning for scalability.

Data Architecture Strategy (DAS) Service
With every organisation being different and their data sources, their data needs, etc. would also be different, We at AI-Priori understand how to lay data architecture foundation that would be the best fit. Aligning Business Goals & objectives, understanding their current data pain points and challenges, we lay foundation of in terms of a data vision, data visualization and a data strategy that would be a fit in terms of the organisation and its people, their business processes and workflows, Data Management attributes mapped to critical data measurement metrics, Organisation Culture and Communication.

Data Platform Support (DPS) Services
Given a unique offshore and onsite blended team of Data professionals, we at AI-Priori is uniquely positioned to provide continuous data platform support, ensuring seamless and "continuous" - Data Acquisition, Data Processing, Data Management, Data Provisioning, Data Automation, Testing, Data Administration and Data Security. Our Operational support ecosystem revolves around end to end data customisation, migration and optimisation ensuring consistency, reliability and trusted data driven partnership.